PVF has extensive experience in protecting and defending our clients’ intellectual property rights. The attorneys at PVF handle a multitude of intellectual property issues, including:
- Trade-Secret Litigation and Related Sections 17200 and 16600 Disputes
- Trademark and Service Mark Infringement
- Trade Name and Trade Dress Infringement
- Copyright Litigation
- Franchise Disputes
- Computer Crimes, Fraud and Abuse
- Dilution Disputes, and
- Domain Name Litigation
We approach all intellectual property litigation from a strong business perspective. Having spent over 60 combined years in large international law firm environments, we have a keen sense of the business aspects of our clients’ concerns and the need to effectively and definitively resolve IP issues before they become “bet the business” problems.
If you or your business needs experienced legal representation for I.P. litigation, we encourage you to contact Pérez Vaughn & Feasby.